Verse: Devotion To Krishna Is The Ultimate Goal Of Life
Date: December 9th, 2012
Transcription: Ranga Radhika dasi
Editing: Ranga Radhika Dasi
You can see there are secondary goals, say for example when you are studying in the university. Like, there the goal is to finish your studies, complete your studies and get the degree, right? But at the same time when you are in the university you are doing other things also, right? Sometimes you are representing the university cricket team or football team. So for that also you are practicing, for that also you are exerting yourself, you are putting your efforts. But you didn't go to the university to play for the university cricket team. The actual goal is to study the subject and get the degree. Similarly, in our life also this studying in the colleges and universities to get an occupation is also a secondary goal. But what is the ultimate goal, final goal of the human life? How many of you can answer this question? What should be the final goal of the human life? Okay, yes, you tell me.
[devotee: inaudible] Yes, self-realization should be the ultimate goal of life. To recognize our spiritual identity, that should be the goal of life.
Now spiritual realization also has different levels. The first stage of spiritual realization is the recognition or realization of Brahman. That is the spiritual light, spiritual energy, spiritual reality. Just understand that beyond this material nature there is a spiritual world. So the general understanding of the spiritual world is: that world is the world of light. This world is - how is this world? The material world is full of light or full of darkness?
[audience: darkness] The material world is the world of darkness. Because the sun comes up and moon comes up there is some light. But otherwise this world is in darkness. But beyond this world of darkness there is another world of light. That is the initial understanding of the spiritual world: the world of light. And that aspect is known as Brahman-realization. But then when you enter into the spiritual world, you enter into the world of light, then you find that there are spiritual planets. And in those spiritual planets there are spiritual personalities.
There is a Supreme Spiritual Personality, but before you make that approach then there is another approach. Like we make an external effort to understand the spiritual reality then we come to the Brahman-realization. But Brahman-realization is not the Absolute or ultimate realization of the spiritual world. That is the external way of understanding the spiritual reality.
But then you go internally. Through knowledge you go externally and come to Brahman-realization. But Brahman-realization is like coming to a dead end. You can't go anymore, any further beyond. Then what is the natural tendency? The natural tendency is to go within and that process is known as yoga, astanga yoga, dhyana yoga. And through that process one sees the Supersoul in the heart. Is the Lord present in everyone's heart? Is the Lord present in your heart? How many of you think yes? Please raise your hand. Wonderful! So the Lord is there in your heart. So when you go within then you see the Lord in the heart. How do you see Him? How do you see Him in the heart? As the Paramatma.So then brahmeti, paramatmeti.
And then when you see the Paramatma, how do you feel? What is your attitude? What is your reaction to Him? You see the Paramatma. What are you? Who are you? You are a jivatma. The little jivatma sees the Paramatma. How should he feel? Yes, he should feel small and he should surrender. He surrenders. So this surrender leads to bhakti. Through bhakti the Lord becomes manifest in His Bhagavan form. Bhagavan means the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Brahmeti paramatmeti bhagavan iti sabdyate. [SB 1.2.11]
Okay, now through jnana you see Brahman. Is Brahman the ultimate spiritual goal? No. Through yoga you see Paramatma. Can the yoga be the ultimate goal? Then after Paramatma-realization you surrender yourself to the Lord and start to render devotional service and then only the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Bhagavan, becomes manifest to you. So what should be the ultimate goal?
[audience: devotional service] Devotional service, bhakti. Jnana is not the ultimate goal. Yoga is not the ultimate goal. So the ultimate goal of life is therefore bhakti. Devotion to Krishna therefore is the ultimate goal of life. Did you find the ultimate goal of your life? Does anybody have any doubt about that? How many of you agree with me? Thank you very much.
Hare Krishna!
So now that you found the ultimate goal of your life, what are you going to do? Become a devotee of the Lord. Now can you become a devotee of the Lord being a student? Can you? Is there any difficulty? Sure? Okay, so even as a student you can become a devotee. After you finish your studies and then take up a job, then will you continue your devotional service or you give it up? While working can you be a devotee? Can you continue with your devotion? Yes? How many of you think that you'll be able to do that? Please raise your hand. Very good. Many of you will get married. After getting married can you
practice your devotional service? [chuckles] It seems that everyone is silent! [laughter] So I think you are silent because you don't want to get married. [laughter] Or you think that after getting married you will not be able to practice devotional service. Anyway, so how many of you think that even if you get married still you can practice devotional service? How many
of you think that you can? Okay I'll repeat again. How many of you think that even if you get married - not that you have to get married! [laughter] Just in case! You'll be able to practice devotional service? Okay, thank you.
So the point is the ultimate goal of life should be devotion to Krishna. Why? Because when you become a devotee of Krishna then you can finish your business in this material nature and go back to the spiritual sky. Is this material nature a very nice place? How many of you think that this material world is a wonderful place? No one. [laughter] Okay, I can see that all of you have become very wise. So that's very good. So if you feel that this is not a place to be in, this is not a place where you want to be, then what should you do? You should try to get out of here. And what is the most wonderful way, easiest and most simple and most easily accessible way to get out of this material nature? Devotion to the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
Thank you all very much! All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
Does anybody have any question? Okay?
Devotee: [inaudible]
BCS: Endlessly. The question is how many times does the soul come to this material nature? Endlessly, we cannot count how many times we have been here. How many times means how many different bodies.
Devotee: [inaudible]
BCS: Oh how many times from the spiritual nature? Just once. Because once you go back would you like to come back? Now that you have seen what it is like? So once bitten twice shy. Actually we are here now, we have fallen from there. We've fallen from the spiritual world. So now that we are here and we realize that this is a terrible place to be in, do you want to come back again? One should go back and see how wonderful the spiritual world is. So the answer to your question is: just once. Because now that you go back you're not going to come back. Would you like to come back? Okay. [laughs]
Thank you. Yes?
Devotee: My question is, Guru Maharaja, how can we become more convinced that the best gift we can give to our parents is devotion to Krishna? Because we want to make our parents happy, so being a student we think that by getting good grades...
BCS: Very good point, very good point. The best way to convince your parents or the best way to give them this most wonderful gift is by showing yourself how happy you have become by practicing Krishna consciousness. When they will see you then they will be convinced. Sometimes if you go and tell them they may not take you seriously, right? So you practice it with all sincerity, you show the world how your life has changed, then that will be the best way to make them understand. That's the best way to convince them. Okay? Otherwise you can go and speak to them. I don't know about your parents, may be they will, but in most cases they won't take you seriously. They will probably say, [Hindi] "Oh, pagal ho gaya hai. College me jaake kya sikha hai? What did you learn going to the college? Did I send you to that college to learn Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna? Who to ghar mein baith kar bhi kar sakte hai. College jaane ka kya zarurat tha?" [meaning: Oh, he has gone mad. What did you learn going to the college. Did I send you to the college to learn Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna? You could have done that at home. Why did you have go to college to do that?] Anyway, don't worry about your parents now. You practice it sincerely yourself, okay? Where do your parents live? In [unclear]. You are also studying in [unclear]?
Devotee: [inaudible]
BCS: Okay, Bhopal, okay. Any other question?
Devotee: Hare Krishna! We know that devotion to Krishna is the ultimate goal but as we know there are secondary goals also. So while achieving the secondary goals we tend to forget that devotion to Krishna is the ultimate goal, so how not to forget that?
BCS: Yeah. The best way to remember this goal is to remain in the association of devotees who are pursuing the same goals, to be with the devotees. Say for example, as I told you, in the university or in the college you have a secondary goal. Do you play for the college team? No. Okay, somebody is playing for the college team. He practices, if he is representing the college team. But if he plays all the time, then will he pass his exams? So while practicing cricket he also has to remember that I have to study and pass my exams. So when he comes back to the dorm then he sees other students are studying. Then he says, "Okay, I have to study also." But if he is always with those who are only practicing cricket then he may forget that the actual goal is to study the subject. So similarly, in order to remember our spiritual goal we have to be in the association of devotees who have the same goal and they will remind us. Their association will compel us to be fixed in spiritual life. Okay? Hare Krishna.
Devotee: Hare Krishna, Guru Maharaja. My question is to achieve the ultimate goal of life we have to surrender to guru, diksa-guru and siksa-guru. In our ISKCON there is a system we can make one diksa-guru with our own choice, but we can have many siksa-gurus. So my question is how can we judge the qualification of a siksa-guru, like to whom we can surrender or to whom we cannot surrender?
BCS: That is, you see, like you will find yourself. Like you listen to the advanced devotees and then you see who is inspiring you in your spiritual life. Those who are inspiring you in your spiritual life through their instructions, they are your siksa-gurus. Siksa-gurus can be many. But the way to recognize the siksa-guru is who is inspiring you the most through his instructions in your spiritual life.
Devotee: Is it the system that with the help of the diksa-guru, he can appoint some siksa-guru?
BCS: Not necessarily. In a society like ISKCON there are so many advanced devotees, there is no need to take the approval of the diksa-guru. Whoever is inspiring you.
Devotee: So we have to check each and every devotee to get...
BCS: Yeah, like, whoever is encouraging you, inspiring you.
Devotee: Thank you, Guru Maharaja.
BCS: Yeah, any other question? Yes, quite a few. Okay, we will take this one. Take that mike. There is no need to switch it off. Don't switch it off. Let it be on.
Devotee: Hare Krishna, Guru Maharaja. I have read in Srila Prabhupada's books out of eighty four lac species, [unclear] four lac species of the human form. Then what type of human form is that, four lac types of human form?
BCS: You are one of them, which means there are 400.000, four lacs of different types of human forms. So many different types. And all the human beings fall in this category. But Chaitanya Mahaprabhu made a distinction. Like, out of these 400.000 species some are uncivilized, some are half civilized and some are civilized. So those who do not have any spiritual inclination they're uncivilized. They may live in big cities, in big palaces, driving big cars, dressing up very fancily, nicely, but that is not the criteria for civilization. The actual consideration for civilization is whether you are spiritually inclined, if he is not uncivilized. Those who have some spiritual inclination they are half civilized. But those who are absorbed or involved in cultivating their relationship with Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, they're civilized. So at least I can say that you are one of the civilized human beings.
Thank you.
Devotee: Hare Krishna, Maharaja. Maharaja if somebody has a desire to become a first class servant of Krishna then how should he mold his life? How should he mold his life and what should be his lifestyle, his attitude and mood? Can you explain?
BCS: Okay. The first consideration is that he should be in a situation where he can very easily practice spiritual life. That is the first consideration. The second consideration is that he should be in the association of devotees. The third consideration is that he should be able to be actively involved in rendering service to the Lord. So these are the three considerations. So out of these three, you can see, what is the best possibility? To live in a temple. If you can't live in a temple then at least you can be near the temple where you can go and render devotional service and have association of devotees. If that is not possible then we can create a situation where we can practice devotional service without living in a temple. Like, we are creating the base where those who are serious they can actually practice their spiritual life in the association of devotees. So the main consideration here is rendering devotional service in association of devotees. That is the desirable situation for spiritual advancement.
So you have a question?
Devotee: Hare Krishna, Guru Maharaja. As you have said that there are three levels of self-realization, first Brahman-realization, then Paramatma-realization then Bhagavan-realization. But as we are in Kali Yuga it is very hard to perform yoga, but in Kali Yuga if a devotee came and started rendering service to Lord Krishna he is just realizing the whole realization. That has the same effect as in Satya Yuga men performing high austerities, doing yoga and after many, many years he realizes Paramatma in his heart.
BCS: Hmm, very good point. So out of different practices the easiest one is rendering devotional service. But this is the highest and this is the mercy Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu came and gave us this system of direct devotional service for this age. Otherwise in the other ages one had to achieve his perfection in yoga. Like first from jnana he'll come to the platform of yoga and from yoga he'll come to the platform of bhakti, after achieving perfection in their respective processes. So now you can see what a benefit we have, what an amazing good fortune we have: direct promotion. Generally, what do you do? You go to school, then college, to university and then you get the degree. But here the degree is awarded straight away. No more going to school, no more going to college; direct admission to the university in the PhD course or degree course. That is the good fortune that we have received.
Devotee: Hare Krishna, Guru Maharaja. Please accept my obeisances. I want to ask, please explain us how the place affects the spiritual development?
BCS: Yeah, how the place affects the spiritual development. Yeah, the place affects the spiritual development through the devotees. The most important consideration is actually the association of devotees. We go to holy places because we can get the association of devotees there. If you go to a holy place but don't associate with the devotees there won't be any benefit. Like we can see, people are coming to Mayapura, so many people, but they don't associate with the devotees. They are coming here as a sightseeing, tourist, right? They are getting some benefit but not the actual benefit. The point is, the place is important but the affectivity of the place becomes manifest through the devotees.
Devotee: She has a question how to develop our love for Krishna. Is it enough to chant the Holy Name?
BCS: How to develop?
Devotee: Love for Krishna.
BCS: Love for Krishna, okay. How to develop love for Krishna.
Devotee: How to develop our devotion.
BCS: Okay, I get it. Devotion is love for Krishna. How does a person fall in love with somebody? How does one fall in love with somebody? Because of some quality of that person. When you see that somebody is very handsome you fall in love with him. When you see that somebody is very famous you fall in love with him. When you see that somebody is very rich you fall in love with him. Or if somebody is very powerful you fall in love with him. So it is the quality of that person that makes us fall in love with that person. So in order to fall in love with Krishna we have to become aware of His qualities. Now Krishna has all the attractive qualities. Krishna is all-attractive. So how do you get to know about the qualities of Krishna? By hearing about Krishna from the devotees of Krishna or reading about Krishna - which is also the same as hearing about Krishna. So Krishna is most beautiful. When you get to see how beautiful Krishna is won't you fall in love with Him? When you get to know Krishna is the richest won't you fall in love with Him? Krishna is the most famous. Krishna is the most powerful. Krishna is the most wise. So now let me see how you cannot fall in love with Krishna!
Devotee: Is it enough to just follow the instructions of a Maharaja or guru because we don't see Krishna ourselves.
BCS: That is there but the real attraction comes from becoming aware of Krishna's qualities. Take the mike. Who is next? So I'll take the last question and then there are some questions, there are more coming from the internet.
Devotee: Hare Krishna, Guru Maharaja. How can we convert our studies to devotional service?
BCS: How can you divert your?
Devotee: Convert our studies to devotional service.
BCS: Okay, you consider that you are studying to please Krishna. This is one way of pleasing Krishna. Because you are doing it, do it for Him. Arjuna is fighting for Krishna, therefore it is devotional service. So similarly when you are studying, make your study a way of pleasing Krishna. Okay?
So there are some questions from the internet, So this is from Vamsidhari dasa, Ujjain: although you mentioned that the path of material enjoyment is inferior but it seems so attractive for the conditioned soul because of the past conditioning. What are the steps to cross over this problem? Example: chanting more rounds regularly without fail. What if I fail to do so?
Yeah, don't fail. Make it a point to chant regularly nice rounds. So if you realize that to be fixed up in spiritual life and to avoid the allurements of Maya this is the way, then be fixed up on that. Chant your rounds nicely, associate with the devotees nicely, read Prabhupada's books attentively. The rest will automatically happen.
The next question is from Abhirama dasa, also from Ujjain: at the time of death the Supersoul assumes the form of Krishna or does He personally come? I am asking because once Srila Prabhupada told you that in the devotee's heart Krishna is personally present. Well, there is no way of knowing. Not only that at the time of death Krishna will come. The point is whether you have developed your pure devotion to Krishna. If you have developed your devotion to Krishna then even before death Krishna will come to you. Krishna is there with you, but it is with your pure devotion only that you can see Him. Premanjana-chhurita- bhakti-vilocanena santah sadaiva - the word sadaiva means all the time - hridayesu vilokayanti, sees Him in the core of his heart. [Brahma Samhita, 5.38] The pure devotee always sees Krishna in the core of his heart.
So Krishnabhisekha dasa, Ujjain: Guru Maharaja, if one is very serious about Krishna consciousness but is still unable to give up past bad habits, then is it because of past offences or it simply means he is not serious about it?
The past sinful reactions may have its effect but Krishna consciousness is so purifying that it can purify one of all his past habits. But sometimes, because he is practicing, some past bad habits may at some point become prominent. But one should try to avoid that, try to overcome that and the best way to do that is by remaining in the association of devotees. You
remain in the association of devotees then you'll be safe. If you are not in the association of devotees you are running the risk of becoming victims of your past habits.
Then another question. That is the last question. Guru Maharaja, it is said that for one who is performing bhakti, jnana and yoga processes are already achieved. Please elaborate on this point. Sashadhara dasa, Ujjain. I just mentioned in answer to one of the questions that there are different stages: jnana, then yoga and then finally bhakti. Generally one goes step by
step. The first step is jnana, philosophical approach. Then yoga, astanga yoga process. Then after achieving perfection of astanga yoga one comes to the platform of bhakti. That is the gradual progress. So therefore, when one is in bhakti then it has to be understood that he has already transcended the platform of jnana and yoga. If you are in the university then isn't it naturally concluded that you have already finished your high school and college? Now that you are in the university you have already passed through that. So now if somebody is in university, did he already pass through school and college? Yes or no?
[devotee: yes]
So that is what bhakti implies(?)
Okay, thank you all very much. I'll end now.
Hare Krishna! All glories to Srila Prabhupada.